
The participants who need VISA to enter Japan should contact with the workshop chairperson, Prof. Akio Gofuku ( as soon as possible. A couple of months will be necessary to get a VISA.

Note: The "#" in the E-mail address should be changed to "@" when you send an E-mail to the workshop chairperson.


There is no hotel near Okayama Prefectural University.

Participants of the workshop are recommended to book to a hotel near JR Okayama station.

An example list is indicated in the "Registration Form". Please download it by clicking the button at the bottom of 'Registration' page.

Please note that it takes around 45 minutes to reach the workshop venue from JR Okayama station (35 minutes by a local train and 10 minutes on foot)

Created on 2023.11.7
Last updated: 2024.3.28
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