The author who presents a paper in the workshop should register not later than February 29, 2024.

Each participant can present only one paper.

The paper that at least one of authors register(s) by the date can be presented at the workshop and is included in the workshop proceedings.

The registration form can be downloaded by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.

Registration fee (Including symposium proceedings):

     Early registration (Not later than February 29, 2024)

  • 5,000 JPY for an ordinal participant

  • 2,000 JPY for a student participant (audience only)

     Late registration (After February 29, 2024)

  • 8,000 JPY for an ordinal participant

  • 3,000 JPY for a student participant (audience only)

Lunch  ticket: 500 JPY for a person

  • Lunch is served at the canteen of Okayama Prefectural University

Dinner party  ticket: 4,000 JPY for a person

  • A dinner party will be held from around 7:00 PM JST of March 29, 2024 at a restaurant near JR Okayama station

The registration fee and the payment for the lunch and dinner party tickets should be paid in cash at the registration desk.

Registration form

Created on 2023.11.7
Last updated: 2024.3.28
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