Paper abstract: Around 300 words

A paper abstract should include paper title, author list with affiliation, and around 300-word abstract. The purpose, method, and results should be expressed.

The deadline of paper abstract is December 15, 2023.

The template of an abstract can be downloaded from the page "Call for Papers".

A paper abstract should be sent by E-mail to the following address.

The title of the E-mail of paper abstract submission should start "Abstract for FMWS2024".

Short paper: Within 4 pages in a double-column format

The authors whose abstracts are accepted for presentation are asked to submit short papers for the workshop proceedings. A double column format similar to IEEE conference paper format will be provided.

The deadline of short paper is February 29, 2024.

The template of a short paper can be downloaded from the page "Call for Papers".

The short paper that is not received within the deadline will not be included in the workshop proceedings.

Created on 2023.11.7
Last updated: 2024.3.28
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